My long time client Norma Fish has passed away.
She was one of the most beautiful women in the world. Today I attended her memorial in Westlake Village, Ca.
As her choir sang some of her most beloved hymns I was thinking how blessed I was to know her. I never thought I would be standing in a church in California grieving my friend.
She was one of my very first clients when I came to Los Angeles 17 years ago. Norma gave me so much inspiration. I would always tell her how beautiful she was and how lucky I would be to look like her. She had a gorgeous figure and she never had a face lift or filler. And believe me she looked just like her picture and she was seventy three. What a beauty.
The other day I was mixing a tint and it dawned on me I will never mix her formula again. She brought it with her from a top hair dresser in New York.
We tweeked it over the years adding a little of this and that. She had a great sense of style and she had an eye for modern haircuts to flatter her face. I learned a lot.
Norma was a class act. Beauty, grace and charm are the words that come to mind.
I loved you my friend. You will be missed. Judaysia