American Beauty
Always true to her look. Prettier than ever. Home town girl Cindy Crawford.Long hair is cut in layers thinner at the bottom. Low- light streaks add a glistening wash on brunette
hair colour.
To Get The Look:
Wash hair with Judaysia VS Volumizing Shampoo.Natural botanical ingredients will increase the volume of your hair and make it feel thicker. It will also give your hair some added shine. After towel drying spray on Judaysia Thic. Thic increases the diameter of the strand making your hair thicker and fuller. Blow dry with a large round brush. I like the white boar brushes. They increase the volume and give the hair shine. Combined withThic it makes the hair smooth and full. Flick the ends up.You can set your hair with large velcro rollers going under on top and up on the ends. Spray with Judaysia VS Shaper Hairspray. This is Hairdresser In A Can. It does all the work. Heat up the rollers with your blow dryer. When cool take the rollers out and shake your hair. Give it another light spray.Visit http://www.judaysia.com/ for products.