Wow! Sophia Loren is living proof you can be sexy at any age. She gives inspiration to every woman alive. Her hair is soft and modern. The color compliments her skin. Her long hair graces her shoulders. Layers give her hair movement. She wears it tousled and this makes her look ageless.
Hair is an important accessory at any age. Beautiful hair and a shapely body. Sophia's body is gorgeous. Your body doesn't have to be perfect, it is all in the way you package yourself. Keep your hair up to date and your make-up. A good hairdresser will make this easy for you. When your hair looks good every thing else looks better.
Women get lazy and cut off all their hair because they do not want to be bothered. I wonder what could be more important than taking time for yourself?
Cutting your hair short and butch instantly ages your face and body. Take some tips from Hollywood. These women take time for their selves.
Find a good hairdresser to give you a look. Not just a haircut. Find someone to work with your features and body shape. Learn a few new skills to do your hair.
There are books and videos with easy instructions.
I am currently looking for a make-up artist to make up the faces for women over forty and beyond. Make-up makes a huge impact on our looks. Learning to shadow and highlight our faces can make us look radiant. The best book to date is still Way Bandy's Designing Your Face. He was truly an artist.
Hair and make-up are a good place to start at any age.
The e-book How To Style Your Hair by Judaysia teaches you the basics. Blow-dry, rollers, etc. so you can do your hair easily and effortlessly. It is available at judaysia.com/products.html