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Summer Hair
Free and EasyNo fuss luscious locks. Summer is a good
time to give your hair a rest. Put away the flat iron if your hair is wavy or curly. Let your hair grow out if it has been short for a long time. To control frizzy hair try John Freida's Secret Weapon. I have found applying a pea size of the product to damp hair creates a smooth silky texture. It also works well on straight hair that has seen too much sun. If you are color shy and would like to try some streaks have your hairdresser add some subtle lighter tones to your hair. Keep your hair healthy with a good conditioner. If you are going to be in the sun for extended periods of time protect your hair. A good way to keep chlorine dryness at a minimum is to apply conditioner to your hair before going swimming. It will keep your hair color from fading. Just a dime size will do. Try Voltech Hair Salad.