Hot! Sexy blonde bombshell Pamela Anderson has some of the best hair in Hollywood. Long layered, gently tousled with shine and body. She is truly beautiful.Get the look...
A tousled bun is perfect for dealing with rain and windswept days. Casual updo's take seconds to create. Keep them loose and messy. Apply a volumizer like Judaysia Explode to washed damp hair and blow dry using your fingers instead of a brush. Pull your hair back in a high pony and back comb the tail with a wide tooth comb.Wrap the pony tail into a loose bun and pin in place. Pull down some wispy bits around the face and neck. Spray with Judaysia VS Volumizing Shaper Spray.
Who's Afraid? Wendy Brandes Virginia Woolf Whistle pops open to reveal a glittering wolf with diamond eyes inside. The perfect necklace to own and wear with everything. Order from
I received an E-Book How To Choose the Best Moisturizer for Your Skin. It is full of advice for your skin. Sensitive skin, oily skin, anti aging moisturizer and more. If you are confused about which one to choose the book is available at
Teased into a big bouffant at the back of the head, Prada inspires a look any woman can adapt. The addition of a hair piece and a head band create the style. Do it yourself or go to your hairdresser. This look is great for hot summer nights or any special occasion.